We Need You
The Full Story
Volunteering is the act of dedicating one's time and skills to contribute to a cause or organization without expecting financial compensation. It is a selfless endeavor aimed at making a positive impact on communities, and various social issues. In addition, volunteers play a crucial role in supporting nonprofits, charities, and community initiatives, fostering a sense of community, empathy and collective responsibility.
Here at Beit El, we are not just another religious ministry, but we endeavor to meet the needs of our community in human services, by feeding and supplying the homeless, educating youth and women in personal developmental growth as well as financial stability. We agree with I Peter 4:10 "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms." Though financial donations are always welcomed, we understand the importance of working as a team with people. We cannot complete the vision and tasks without volunteers. We NEED YOU!
To see if what we do align with your beliefs and compassion and to learn more about our projects, visit our projects page,
Let’s Work Together
Get in touch so we can start working together.