Real Reviews from Real Attendees - Experience the Power of Beit El
I believe Father used Dr. G and Chief Apostle Lucas to pour into us what was poured into them on completely different levels and completely different styles but it coincided together because it was the word of God, the truth and nothing but the truth. The word of God was rightly divided so that I could build on a firm foundation, not a foundation that comes from man but from God, His word, and the bible. I am better because of it.
I have gain so much from this class; I don’t have the words to express how this one course changed the trajectory of my life and my walk with God. I’m GRATEFUL!
Pat Allen/Teacher
The Apostolic Leadership class with Dr. G and Chief Apostle Leonard Lucas changed my life. I now know my calling and purpose, as well as understand the gifts of the spirit manifesting inside of me. Watch my testimony video.
Prophet Regina Turner, PhD
I thank God first and foremost for the leadership of the Holy Spirit leading Dr. Yulonda Griffin to offer such an awesomome leadership class for the body of Christ. Because of this class I'm walking in my calling knowing my true assignment. I'm no longer hiding in the shadows but moving in boldness. Thanks for the great teaching of the true word of God through this class.
Prophet Cynthia Joshua