Tomorrow's Workshop 2025
The second annual Tomorrow's Workshop Food Preservation was held on January 18, 2025. Beit El served 53 women and four men from across Louisiana. The program provided attendees with starter planters, water bottles, basil, parsley, and scallion seeds, garden journals, pens, aprons, canning jars, salt, paper, garden hand tools for planting, and a full-course lunch meal. The event attendees absorb soft jazz provided by Israel Cotton while planting herbs. Blue Pantry provided hands-on instructions and the gifted Tara Alexander closed out with a song of exhortation.
Survey Statistics
53 Recipients 53 African Americans 3 Males
Survey Questions
1. Was this your first food preservation workshop? 26% yes
2. Did the workshop meet your expectations? 100% yes
3. Did workshop motivate you to want more? 98% yes
4. Would you recommend the Food Preservation Workshop? 98% yes
5. Would you attend again? 99% yes
6. What did you like best?
a. Instructors
b. Hands-on experience
c. Awesome
d. Jazz music playing while planting herbs
e. Atmosphere
7. How can we improve?
a. More time for questions and answers
b. More marketing to inform
c. More classes