These last two weeks have been buzzing like bees with YouTubers' questions and presenting their perspectives about legendary sin, alleged sin, and the price to pay. Renowned YouTubers are asked Christians how the church should manage justice and grace.
Three major Christian leaders have been exposed to sin publicly. Two have come out publicly on their own, for past sins and one leader is being allegedly accused of sexual sin. One of the leaders' sins was committed years ago, and another over 40 years. Lastly, the leader who allegedly sinned has maintained his innocence. Three men of God who have sinned; what should the church do?
The Bible says, "He who covers his sins will not prosper, But whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy." (Proverbs 28:13). He will not be successful in hiding the sin. The bible says, "Everything hidden shall be revealed". You pay now or later, but you pay. The sinner will not receive a pardon or experience true peace of conscience.
Two of the Christian leaders came out publicly on their own. Maybe they lost their peace through their conscience and decided to repent. Because they repented, regardless of how long ago the sins were committed, the day they decided to come forward and repent, they received Mercy!
Repentance brings grace and mercy. It does not matter how long it takes for the sinner to repent, the grace and mercy are given because the sinner no longer receives a peace conscience, repenting. Their conscience pushed them forward to repentance. God is well pleased when sinners step forward and walk in truth.
Understanding Grace and Justice:
What about grace versus justice? The Bible says, "For he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shewed no mercy; and mercy rejoiceth against judgment." (James 2:13).
He who shows no mercy, shall not receive it when the time comes. If the sinner does not repent, the last doom will be given on judgment day without mercy. If they do not repent, they drink the cup of wrath that God has prepared for all unrepented sinners. On the other hand, sinners who do repent shall receive mercy, especially if they were merciful, blessed are they.
Grace is the unmerited favor and love that God freely gives to humanity. It is Charis, the gift that keeps on giving. It promotes God’s benevolence and forgiveness towards sinners, purely out of Jehovah’s love and mercy. Justice emphasizes God’s character. He is just, and the ultimate judge. Justice also embraces God's desire to restore what is broken and to bring about redemption and reconciliation. Thus, grace rejoice against justice. Angels rejoice over one soul being saved.
Justice encourages Christians to endorse moral standards and seek righteousness in their lives. Grace reminds believers of their dependence on God's forgiveness and mercy when they fall short. Believers should not ask "what type of sin was committed” but show grace and forgiveness towards one another while maintaining standards of justice and fairness.
Christians displaying an agreeable relationship between grace and justice demonstrate to the world the transformative power of God's love and the integrity of his moral standards. It invites others to experience the grace of God while recognizing the justice that underpins his kingdom.
Christians promoting such practices ensure a balanced and faithful reflection of God's character, provide a foundation for Christian beliefs in ethical living, and strengthen community life, as a witness to the world.
In closing, let the church publicly rebuke and quickly restore sinners to the church. Do not quickly restore to the position they once held, but over time assess their fruit and seek change. Thank God for the unpeaceful conscience that led the leaders to repent. Pray for strength and wisdom for the leader who has allegedly sinned, that God's will be done.
Find it in your heart to forgive, unless you find yourself in the same state.